Expanding the "Conversation" on Life, Aging, Family, Fashion, Travel and all things Candace Leslie Cima by sharing ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Acceptance and Aging
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Acceptance and Aging

All over Social Media Influencers and other authors are offering us a million easy ways to be our happiest and healthiest and most beautiful selves as we age. But pretending that aging does not take some mental adjusting and some work on our part would be very unrealistic. Throughout our lives we have learned that in general you get out of something what you put into it. This is also true of aging.

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Life is What You Make It
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Life is What You Make It

As we age, I believe there is a tendency to step back from and ignore the aspects of the current world because it feels so different than the world we were raised in and became the people we are today. We see and hear things we don’t understand and maybe don’t agree with.

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Aging is Changing….Are You?
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Aging is Changing….Are You?

As we age, I believe there is a tendency to step back from and ignore the aspects of the current world because it feels so different than the world we were raised in and became the people we are today. We see and hear things we don’t understand and maybe don’t agree with.

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There is Something About the Bounce
Candy Cima Candy Cima

There is Something About the Bounce

Imagine a bouncing ball… the harder you press down on that ball the higher it bounces. It has to hit the ground again to bounce higher each time and so it is when we hit roadblocks in life.

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What Happened to your “Why”?
Candy Cima Candy Cima

What Happened to your “Why”?

When we are young, we have this wonderful “why” within us!! It is the most natural thing in the world for us to ask why about everything we learn. But then where does it go? Do we reach a certain age where why doesn’t even matter anymore? Where we are so certain of our answers that we no longer question them?

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Unreasonable Expectations
Candy Cima Candy Cima

Unreasonable Expectations

If every image that we see is created and styled to perfection we risk losing the ability to decipher what is pretend and what is real, creating unreasonable expectations for ourselves no matter what our age.

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